Benefits of Mindfulness
Reduces stress
Can help with anxiety and depression
Increases resilience
Be the best YOU you can be
Mindfulness has become very popular in mainstream culture in recent times. How much do you really know about it?
Mindfulness is usually associated with meditation. It's also known to be a source of de-stressing and relaxation. They're both true.
However, mindfulness is so much more.
While formal meditation and times of dedicated relaxation are integral to mindfulness, it also teaches us a way of life that enables us to be more resilient and able to cope with life's stresses and day-to-day challenges.
Mindfulness teaches us an alternative way of thinking and seeing the world, by appreciating every moment that we have - moment by moment.
Mindfulness can be incorporated into our every day lives, helping us to stop and appreciate the little moments in our life, such as drinking a cup of tea, using our senses, to give us a break from day-to-day stresses.
Imagine facing a stressful situation, and rather than reacting in anger or despair, being able to breathe, access the inner calm we all have inside ourselves, and choose how to face the challenge in front of us.
What mindfulness doesn't do is take away all the stress and anxiety from our lives. It's realistic, and acknowledges that we are always likely to face personal challenges.
What mindfulness does do is give us tools to recognise and manage our emotions. Mindfulness gives us strength.
I wanted to learn and use mindfulness to support my work which can be challenging and time sensitive, I achieved this and so much more through Beverley’s course – as well as benefitting my work life, my own self-care has improved as well.
Helen June 2021
Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has tons of scientific research behind it, and is recommended by the NHS and NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK)​
Reduces stress
Helps with anxiety and depression
Increases resilience
Lowers blood pressure and heart rate
Improves immune system
Improves cognitive ability (attention and focus)
Curbs rumination and negative thoughts
Increases patience
Increases gratitude
Although Mindfulness has a well-known definition, in my experience, it can be defined according to your individual needs.
Perhaps you feel you need to be more resilient, perhaps you want a strategy to manage stress or negative thoughts.
Perhaps you want to learn and practice meditation, or perhaps you want to find a way to make Mindfulness 'easy' and incorporate it into your daily life.
Below are a variety of courses and services to help you achieve this.
If you would like something more bespoke, please do contact me.
Join me for a (free) group evening on a theme. We discuss topics such as stress, gratitude and kindness, along with challenges and ways to help you move forward.
The group evenings are held on Zoom, and everyone is welcome.
You don't have to participate, if you feel uncomfortable.
However, if you would like to contribute, reflect and share, the evening is a safe zone, with no judgement, just lots of practical empathy.
I use my mindfulness training as well as my coaching experience to explore the subject and help you find ways to manage life in a more healthy and happy way.
For themes and to RSVP for the link, see page 'Retreats and Events' or click here
Interested in learning more?
Mindfulness is more than just meditation. It's about learning to accept what IS and learning to let go of what we cannot control. It's about appreciating what we have and learning techniques for savouring the present moment.
Join me for an 8 week course that combines the key elements of the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) courses.
The Mindfulness Now 8 week programme is an in-depth learning exeprience that builds, week on week, developing your understanding of the key Mindfulness concepts and meditation practice.
In a supportive and non-judgemental environment, I guide you through the concepts, with discussions, practice meditations, stories and poems.
Each week includes 'homework' as you strengthen your mental Mindfulness muscles.
At the end of the 8 week programme you will have a sound grasp of all Mindfulness principles, and the start of your own daily mindfulness 'habit'.
The programme includes audio recordings of all the meditations for you to use in your 'homework' and own practice.
Members on this course are invited back - for free - to all future courses, for a refresher, or if you've just missed a week.
All members are invited to a day-long retreat - either online or in person.
Rather than including it in this offering, it is priced separately, to give you freedom of choice and to include others.
for 8 weeks of teaching, audio recordings and between-session e-mail support
You are invited to a whole day retreat.
The retreats are designed to complement the 8 week course, and further your experience and knowledge.
However, they are also designed for the curious, the tired and those needing some time out or inspiration
How often do we stop and take time out for ourselves?
I mean really stop. Stop, and listen, and breathe?
Even when we think we've rested, our brains functions are still on the go.
Imagine the benefits of your usual meditation, and expand on that.
A day retreat gives your mind and soul chance to really rest.
A day retreat allows you to slow down, focus on what your body and mind are telling you.
It allows you to recuperate and heal.
The retreats are a mix of online and in-person days. At times they are held online to be as inclusive as possible. At other times, they are hosted in-person at our retreat in the North Pennines.
The day starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm.
We undertake a mixture of formal meditation, quiet reflection and silence.
We include some mindful walking and gentle movement exercises that remind us to listen to our bodies.
At lunch we eat a meal in a mindful way, focusing on each moment and using our senses to savour out meal.
£85 in-person
£75 online
I am also available for any bespoke mindfulness (or coaching or mindful coaching) sessions, to suit your requirements.
Some examples of this may be:
You are an individual, and would like some 1-1 mindfulness conversations and training,​
You would like the 8 week course without the pressure of sharing with other people
You are a group of friends who would like to run a private 8 week in depth course
Depending on your requirements, see also the page 'Organisations'
If this is something that you are interested in, please contact me for prices and availabilityc